December 31, 2018

8-Bit Crush

Our 8-Bit Crush model gives you a wide variety of grimy crushing sounds. You can even individually mute or invert any of the 8-bits.

White Boost

This booster effect, based on a well-loved clean booster pedal with 20 dB of gain boost and a built-in EQ, is used for driving the preamp section of any amp model into a gentle (or not so gentle) overdrive. The EQ controls boost and cut frequencies as normal, but in this usage, they help shape the overdrive response as well.

DC Distortion

This distortion effect, a custom model built just for Eleven Rack, offers a range of overdriven tones, aided by its built-in Bass and Treble EQ, which help shape the response of the clipping circuit. 

Green JRC Overdrive


Green JRC Overdrive was inspired by a low-gain 70s overdrive pedal, loved by blues and blues-rock players the world over for its sweet, singing sting. It can be used to simply drive an amp’s input section into gentle clipping, or supply some dirty glow of its own.

Black Op Distortion

Inspired by an 80s-era op-amp-based distortion pedal, BlackOp Distortion offers massive crunch and power. Its hard-clipping drive can squeeze aggressive rhythm and lead tones out of soft- sounding vintage amps, and create surprisingly hard-edged tones when paired with more modern amps.

Tri-Knob Fuzz

The pedal that inspired Tri-Knob Fuzz was a transistor-based unit, originally popular with lead guitarists searching for ever-higher gain in the 70s. It shone again in the 90s grunge rock scene, probably pushed further into woolly grind than its makers would have ever anticipated.