January 2, 2019

BBD Delay

    When “bucket brigade” analog delays arrived in the mid-70s, their relatively small size and solid-state reliability made them a godsend to tape loop-addled guitarists. It went on to become a classic of its own, with a smooth, round delay sound and a Chorus-Vibrato mode that let it double as a modulation effect.

    • Input - Sets the input level to the delay effect. Cranked up, it can push the signal into useful distortion. 
    • Mod - Switches the modulation effect between Vibrato (only the delayed signal is passed) and Chorus (both the dry and delayed signal are passed.) 
    • Depth - Controls the level of modulation of the delayed signal. 
    • Noise - Toggles modeled analog hiss in or out of the signal. 
    When Hiss or Noise is turned on in one of the delay effects and the feedback level is sufficiently high, the delay will self-oscillate and make a sound of its own, even when bypassed. If this effect is not desired, turn down the feedback control. 

    Based on the Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man

    The original Memory Man could produce analog delay and colorful chorus/vibrato effects without requiring tape. The 5-knob Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man does the same, but is also capable of producing eerie and unusual pitch-shift and flying saucer effects. Our BBD Delay effect emulates virtually every aspect and all controls of the Deluxe, adding a switchable noise control to enhance the realism.

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