January 2, 2019

Spring Reverb

    Blackpanel Spring Reverb was inspired by a classic outboard tube-driven spring reverb. It can add a surfy twang and dark, warm ambiance to your signal.

    • Mix - Controls the blend between dry and reverbed signal. 
    • Decay - Controls the length of the reverb’s decay.
    • Tone - Applies a high-cut EQ, making the reverb tone darker. 

    Based on the  Fender Deluxe Reverb units

    To create our effect, we analyzed actual blackface-era Fender Spring Reverb units from several classic Fender amps, resulting in a completely convincing emulation of the Fender reverb tone. In addition to the mix control on the original amps, we added extra Decay and Tone controls. To capture the original Fender reverb sound, set the Decay and Tone knobs to the middle position.

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