January 2, 2019

Tape Echo

    Inspired by the ultimate vintage solid state tape echo unit, Tape Echo supplies supple, crunchy echoes, and can, with a flick of the wrist, can be pushed into swells of wild self-oscillation, each repeat more murky, dusty, and gritty than the next. A classic.

    • Rec Lev - Controls the signal level running to the tape circuitry. Higher settings create a more distorted tone color. 
    • Head - Simulates the alignment (or misalignment) of the tape head with the tape, which affects the tone of the delay. 
    • Wow - Controls the amount of wow and flutter in the tape mechanism. Lower settings minimize fluctuations of pitch and tone color, and higher settings accentuate it. 
    • Hiss - For some serious authenticity in your tape echo tone, this switch Toggles modeled analog tape hiss in or out of the signal. With high feedback settings, the tape hiss can push the echo into self-oscillating mayhem. 

    Based on the Maestro Echoplex EP-3

    The Maestro Echoplex was one of the earliest analog delay devices, with the Echoplex EP-3 making use of solid-state "transistorized" technology instead of vacuum tubes. For our effect, we painstakingly emulated virtually every aspect of an original Echoplex EP-3, with one significant improvement—our effect enables you to achieve an unreal 2.4 seconds of delay time.

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